
Ben and Allison Woodings
21 June 2008
(We have four Mrs Woodingses now 😉 )

Sometimes I feel like I’m putting together a giant life puzzle.  Here are some of the various pieces:

A clean, welcoming home
A loving, healthy family
Financial security
Finding time to be with my husband
Run a marathon

These are just a few of the pieces; there are many many more pieces.  The edges of the puzzle are defined by time.  I feel if I can just figure it out — just somehow solve the puzzle — all the pieces will interlock with each other perfectly and the resulting picture would be me and the life I have chosen.

But I have not solved the puzzle yet.  I’m still fitting this piece with that, moving this other piece over there, taking a sip of water, and then trying a different tactic.  Sometimes I feel like I’m missing one crucial piece — the final piece with which all the other pieces will fall into place.

I feel that final piece is confidence or diligence or focus or faith… something… something that finally breaks the code.  I’m missing the key to my puzzle.

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