
I’m listening to the soundtrack of Crounching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. What beautiful music.

Anyways, I’ve decided to plan my life. Of course, I can’t plan too far ahead because things constantly change. But I have things I want to do, things that require focus and dedication. Not big things, like become president and rule the country, but little things, like create a really cool online store and write a book. I always thought “husband” would be a thing I had to do, like when you’re writing your to-do list. Clean the kitchen, go to the grocery store, spend quality time with husband so marriage doesn’t end in ruins. That kind of thing. At least, that’s what people have always told me. It turns out that he’s always there, like the walls or the cat. We spend almost all our time together and it’s not something I “do”. I don’t make time to spend with myself, I’m just always with myself. It’s the same with Matt.

So that frees up that slot on the to-do list.

What do I want to do……

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