
Well, I certainly hope I’m walking the path and I’m just not aware of it because, to me, I don’t seem to be going forward very fast. Each day passes in a second and I’m no closer to my goals. It’s very frustrating. I feel like I’m missing some bit of knowledge. If only I knew something about project management or time management, then all my plans would slip into place effortlessly, like silk on ice.

The flip side to that thought is that I just procrastinate too much. Each day slips away in a barely remembered haze of nondescript, unimportant activities.

Of course, the truth lies somewhere between these two extremes. I’m not a complete procrastinator and I do have a set of organization skills. It’s just so slow…

Writers’ Group started up again, so I’m writing my Great American Novel again. Writing is hard! I feel like an idiot when I do it… a pretentious, untalented idiot. It’s never easy.

My ladybug larvae became a beautiful ladybug. And another spider moved into the roses. This one spins his webs on top of the leaves instead of underneath. For some reason, most the bugs live in the roses. There’s not nearly as much bug activity in the other plants.

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