
So I planted five catnip seeds, two germinated, and only one made it. So the little catnip plant, with only four or five leaves, was finally ready to go out into the front yard with all the big plants and get real sun and wind, not just grow lights and a fan.

Well, for a couple of nights, some kitty in the neighborhood kept knocking over the catnip (and the plants around it), and by the third morning, it was gone!! All that was left was the pot full of soil and the little stick stuck in the soil that read “Catnip.” The plant had been broken off at its roots and some kitty quite happily took off with it. So now I know what will happen if I put catnip outside for the kitties of the neighborhood. They will say “Mmmm, thank you!” and take it away. Perhaps I need a larger catnip plant that the cats can’t take away with so easily.

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