
So I figured out what unhappiness is for. I realize the first question is “Why should unhappiness be for anything? It just is.” Well there are two arguments people tend to present: 1) there is the spiritual argument which says “Everything happens for a reason”; and 2) there is the Darwinistic argument which says all things in life come about as a result of survival, therefore unhappiness must’ve helped our species survive for that trait to continue from generation to generation. In both arguments, unhappiness has a purpose.

Unhappiness fuels change.

There. Now everyone can quit being so unhappy about being unhappy. It serves a very fundamental and important purpose. I’m really unhappy right now– 8 months of trying and still not pregnant (starting to think there is a problem with us); Matt is out of work; I’m doing data entry for the IRS which isn’t exactly my dream job; we don’t have enough money to pay the bills; I’m the most overweight and unfit I’ve ever been in my life.

But when I bottomed out last night, when my period came yet again, something started to stir around deep inside of me. The unhappiness I had been feeling for the past few months finally created enough fuel to light a fire.

I’m looking at my life again and deciding what I want to do. After I got married, I hung around in the blissful state of newlywed for quite awhile. And though I still love my husband deeply, that blissful state has lost its brilliance and no longer hides me from myself.

Unhappiness also makes you introspective. Hehe. :-))

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