
The day has started off very slow. But I got the Thanksgiving grocery shopping done. 🙂 The grocery store becomes scarier the closer to Thanksgiving it gets.

I discovered that Johnny Depp’s daughter’s name is Lily-Rose which is the name we want to give our daughter without the hyphen. I was a little sad about that, but I guess it’s a fairly obvious name. Matt and I still really like the name, so we’re still going to name her that regardless of the fact that Johnny Depp has beat us to the punch.

But then I started wondering how many Lily Roses were out there, so I Googled the name. While surfing the pages, I ran across because there is a “cam whore” at apparently. Well, is a very interesting site. I mean, sure, you can look at it from a strictly porn point-of-view which I am sure most men do when they surf the site. But I was fascinated by the women! There were the women who were obviously doing the cam thing for money, and I didn’t find them as interesting. Well, maybe I’m being unfair. I’ve never met anyone who has made money by using her body… well, that’s not strictly true either. I have met several strippers in my life. But the strippers I’ve met were all emotionally unstable. I’m not saying that all strippers are emotionally unstable, but the ones that I’ve met have been. And it made me feel sorry for them. They were wild creatures with an undercurrent of unhappiness.

Anyways, I digress. The women that I was curious about were the women who didn’t take off their clothes and didn’t have “Member Site Only” written beneath their link. They were exhibitionists obviously, but in a very different sense than the women who were exposing their body and doing it for money. I bet they would be fascinating to talk to.

I’m a bit envious of women who are so open like that because I am so shy. When I was younger, and even quite a bit to this day but not as badly, I have always been a wallflower– willfully fading into the background, afraid to be noticed. So when I see these women showing themselves to the world on their webcams, I wish I could be a bit more like that. Not to that extreme of course, but I would like to be less self-conscious and self-deprecating.

I have work to do. *sigh* Cooking, dusting, cleaning the Macquarium. I was procrastinating with my Live Journal entry, but now I’m finished. Maybe if I have a movie going in the background it won’t seem so tedious. Off to housework…

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