
So, my husband (detour: I just recently got married, and I love referring to my husband as “my husband” because it makes me feel warm)….. anyways, my husband is always encouraging me to write. I LOVE writing. I’ve written since I was a child, and in high school, my creative writing teacher told me that I should try to get one of my short stories published. Well, I sent it out to one magazine and received a rejection letter. I never tried again after that. Then I went to college and became too overwhelmed with growing up and working out all the crap in my head, that my writing fell to the edges, just as my drawing did.

Now, I’m no great artist, either with writing or drawing. But I do sincerely love it. And I’m unemployed right now. (One of the latest casualities of the dot com fallout.) So, what the hell. I’m going to post my story. Any constructive criticism is very much appreciated. Wish me luck.

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