
Double sleeping cuteness.
Our children look so similar that it is hard
to tell which one is which in this photograph.
I’ve already had someone ask me if they are twins.
(You can see Lily’s eczema on her arm
coming back with the cold weather.)
23 October 2007

A lovely, perfect, wonderful cold front blew in yesterday.  Since it was so cold and yummy, we got some firewood and made our first fire of the season, and then we went to Blockbuster and got Hocus Pocus.  We brought the aerobed into the living room and all piled onto it next to the fire to watch our Halloween-y movie.  Hocus Pocus did not hold the children’s attention, but I really like that movie.

When the movie was over, around 10pm (Damian had already fallen asleep on the aerobed), Lily said she wanted to sleep in the living room next to the fire.  So we turned off all the lights except the Halloween pumpkin lights, and the room was lit by the fire and the Halloween lights.  It was so nice.  We didn’t all fit on the aerobed, so Matt slept in his humongous new La-Z-Boy right next to us, and the children and I fell asleep on the aerobed.  Around 1:30am, I woke up and the fire was out.  I was worried about the children getting cold, so Matt and I moved the kids into the bedroom, and we all fell asleep in there.  The picture above was taken right before we moved the kids.

I asked Matt if he had ever slept in the living room next to the fire when he was a kid, and he said yes, at Christmas time.  And I remember doing that myself!  I remember wanting to sleep in the same room as the Christmas tree because it was so pretty all lit up.

There is something really special, and really heartfelt and warming, about reliving childhood memories with your own children.  The children are really hard work right now… very very hard.  But then you have a moment like last night where you remember what it was like to be a child, falling asleep to the magic light of fire and holiday lights, and there you are, creating that memory with your own children… and it makes all the hard work worth it.

Kids really do bring magic into your life… because they still believe in it when we have become too weary and heartworn to believe in magic anymore.

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