
Damn! Why do I surf the web? I feel so small and…. typical. Surf and peruse, read people’s words, look at people’s art…. we’re all the same. I’m one among MILLIONS. I should strip my name and tattoo a big barcode on myself. From this point on, I’ll be #359174.

….. sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Will my dreams become reality? Do I have what it takes? Part luck, part inspiration, part work, part dedication. I feel like I’m so mediocre at so many things, and yet I have to pretend that I have talent… that I can achieve these goals. If I am to have even a sliver of a chance of achieving any of the things I want, I have to slip into my thin suit of confidence and proceed forward.

Now where did I leave my willpower? I’m sure I had a second ago….

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