
Matt and I have decided to put off having a baby for another year. We have only been with each other for two years and we wanted a little more time with each other before having our focus switched to a child. But my biological clock is ticking very loudly! This means that I’ll be 35 when I get pregnant, and we want at least two kids. *sigh* I wish we had about 10 more years during our young life before we entered middle age.

But here’s The Plan: 1) Organize the house. We have too much junk. Or I should say I have too much junk. I need to go through it and throw stuff away, and box my memorabilia and toys up properly. 2) Organize the finances and start saving for a down payment for a house. 3) Buy a house. 4) Move and get settled. 5) Have a baby. I have a year to get my act together. We can’t really put off a baby more than a year. I’m just getting too old.

Aphids moved into my miniature roses and I was very upset! But then the cutest little spider and the cutest little ladybug larvae moved in and are feasting on the aphids. I watched the spider weave his web under one of the leaves and it was really cool! I don’t mind the aphids at all now because they’re feeding the bugs that I really like. I have another beetle-like bug that lives in my other flower pot. It has bulb flowers coming up but I don’t remember what they are. I bought them last year and I’m clueless what they are. But they’re very pretty and a beetle lives in them. Unfortunately a spider lives there too and the beetle is having a hard time with the webs. He keeps getting his little feet all gunked up in web stuff. I think he’ll eventually become spider food which is too bad because he’s very cute.

I’m thinking of making a web page with pictures of all the bugs that live in my garden. They are a lot of fun to watch– as much fun as the flowers. 🙂

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