
It’s 10:30am GMT at the Woodings Household in Lincoln, Lincs. England, and I am the only one awake at the moment. We sung in the New Year with Damian and Sarah. I learned that Auld Lang Syne is a Scottish song and that the New Year is more of a celebration than even Christmas for the Scots. Now I would like to go to Scotland for the New Year one year. 🙂

We watched a Scottish show that counted down to the New Year, and the presenter said something that I liked: “If there was anything you meant to do or anything you meant to say in 2003, it’s too late now. It’s the New Year.” I always considered the New Year as a time of hope and renewal. But I think I shall now also consider it a time of letting the past go. Whatever I had wanted to say or accomplish in 2003, well… it’s too late now. Let that go and proceed forward with a fresh mind and fresh heart.

Matt made a wish for the New Year and I made resolutions. Matt wished the things would go well for us– that 2004 would be a good year for us. I made a few preliminary resolutions:

1) Lose 1 lb each week. (I have enough thoughts on this subject for entire entry– not only on gaining weight, but on people’s perception of overweight people and the crippling psychological effect that has.)

2) Write 5 pages each day, Monday through Friday.

3) Clean 1 thing each day.

I also want to put something in there about training Lani, but I haven’t worked that one out yet. She needs to be trained because she is such a busy and inquisitive dog, and I also feel like her potential is being wasted. If I took the time to train her, she would be an amazing dog and we would have a tighter bond.

I talked with Matt’s friend, Simon, and his wife more on this trip to England. I really like those two. They are unpretentious, open, smile and laugh a lot, and like dogs. 🙂 If we ever did manage to visit England in the summer, I would like to visit them. They live in Derbyshire (that would be where Mr. Darcy comes from), and apparently it’s very peaceful and pleasant there.

And speaking of peaceful, Damian took us, as well as Allison and Ben, on his canal boat for an afternoon on the canals. It was so nice! I recommend that for anyone who is visiting England. Look up the canals and canal boats as an idea for something to do while you are here. It was peaceful and wonderful. You’ll have to learn how to operate the locks and the etiquette between the boaters on the canal, but that shouldn’t be too hard. We learned all that in an afternoon. And don’t be in a hurry. I think you can walk faster than canal boats travel, but it is very peaceful.

Finally, we met Ben’s girlfriend, Allison, on this trip, and Matt and I both really like her. If she is to be my sister-in-law one day, then I am very pleased. 🙂

Happy New Year. :))

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