Well, I’ve been feeling much better these last few days. I had been funking out pretty hard for a couple of weeks, and the fog finally lifted.
Matt and I have made a Financial Plan that I’m really pleased with. We’re posting the money coming in and where it is all going on the fridge in a “Need and Want List.” That way, our money situation is always visible. It’s easy to forget where the money is going and then spend it on frivolous crap you don’t need or even want after a couple of months. I’m really pleased with this idea.
And we’ve cut out sugar! Finally! It took forever to finally do it. I’ve been trying to cut out sugar for months now! I’m such a sugar-holic. One is too many and a million is never enough. I’m pre-diabetic (I had gestational diabetes and members from both sides of my family have Type II diabetes — these factors put me at high risk), and sugar was always trouble. It’s so nice to be getting the sugar monkey off my back.
So, I’m finally up. I hate being down. Some people say it’s necessary — cycle of life, yin and yang, that sort of thing — but why? I don’t like being down. I don’t want to be down. I don’t like being sick either. I like being happy, healthy and energetic. 🙂
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