I’m in the mood to write. I’m in the mood to create. But the reality of the situation is that we have all been sick for a week, and the house has become… well… let’s just call it “messy,” shall we? That’s a nice euphemism. We also have no clothes, and all my plants are begging for water. Everything was on hold for a week while we wallowed around in misery, and I prayed to {insert name of god here} to just let me and my family get better and out of that microcosm of pain.
What story should I write? A fantastic story? An inspirational and silly story? An autobiographical story? Whatever I choose to write in 2006, I need to actually finish a story. Shelly has this problem as well. Many beginnings and no endings. And Shelly is a very good writer; she writes romances.
I was thinking about Shelly and her lack of self-confidence when it comes to her own writing. I’ve read the beginnings of her stories, and she’s very good — real potential. But she doesn’t see it. She doesn’t see her own talent because her debilitating doubt blocks the view. And of course I thought of myself. Matt is always telling me that I am a good writer. Maybe I am. Maybe my own debilitating self-doubt blocks my view.
Shelly and I both want to finish a book this year. Maybe 2006 is the year. Maybe this is our year. 🙂
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